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Activities with the Kit Material-pt-3

This programme is based on Mathematics kit material. It describes the property of triangle.

Activities with the Kit Material-pt-4

This programme is based on Mathematics kit material. It represents to find the area of regular and irregular figure by using Geo board.

Activities with the Kit Material-pt-5

This is a programme based on Mathematics activities. It describes that how to make various shapes and find out the volume and surface area of shapes by using cubes and cuboids

Air Pollution-1

This is a programme of air pollution; covers causes, impact, hazards amd pollutant of pollution

Air Pollution-2

This is a programme on air pollution; covers causes ,effects , measurement of air pollution and acid rain.

Akhbaro Ki Duniya

This programme akhabaron ki duniya is informed about the print material news paper, such as the process of printing and distribution of news papers in our homes

Alai Darwaza

This programme is based on the historical monument in which the Alai Darwaja is shown through visuals

Alai Meenar

This programme is based on the historical monument in which the Alai Meenar is shown through visuals

Andaman & Nicobar Island

This is a programme on Andaman & Nicobar island its land forms, community, people market and historical cellular jail


This program is based on mathematics as it describes formation and properties of various angles through examples

Archemadies Ka Niyam

इस कार्यक्रम में एक प्रयोग के माध्यम से आर्किमिडीज़ के नियम को दर्शाया गया है. इसके लिए हमे एक कटोरी, एक पानी भरी हुई बाल्टी, एक गुब्बारा, एक पत्थर और कुछ कंचो की आवश्यकता है

Auctioning out Event on Indifference Curve Analysis

यह कार्यक्रम नीलामी प्रक्रिया द्वारा अनधिमान वक्र विश्लेषण पर आधारित है